Thursday, December 2, 2010

December Already

How has it gotten to be so late? The last post was from September, and now all of a sudden, it's almost 2 months later! I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that school keeps me busy, I had to study for the PSATs, practice and then perform at Area All State, ditto for Select Choir, etc. There were also 2 deaths within 3 days back in October . . . one in my extended family, and one in my immediate. My life has turned upside down, and everything is weirdly different, yet the same now. I'll let y'all know how it feels when the fact that the 2 most powerful women in my family died finally feels real.

Anyway, it's high time I get back to this blog, so here I am, dusting it off. *dust dust*

And as the school musical season sets in, I intend to chronicle my adventures, first toward procuring a (lead) part, and then in practice, and finally the show itself. Since the musical this year is Les Miserables, and it was my mother's favorite musical -- and my 2nd favorite, after Phantom, of course -- and since I'm a junior and had a supporting role last year, I hope to get a lead. Fantine would be my 1st choice, Eponine my 2nd, and Cosette my 3rd. But then again, I'll take what I can get. *laughs*

Speaking of Phantom, it's been announced that the next production of Love Never Dies will be opening in the spring in Australia, so if any of y'all come from the land down under, look forward to it. As for the Broadway production . . . it's been postponed indefinitely, probably due to the stupid Canadian anti-fan group, LSD (they're so disgusting I won't even deign to write out their full name). Find them on Facebook if you want to, because I don't want to waste my precious time wrting about those losers.

In short, I'm Back in Business (private joke, heheh), and raring to begin preparing for Les Miz auditions, which aren't until January. *ugh* But at least there's Christmas -- no matter how weird it'll be this year -- to look forward to. I leave you with a quote that my Task 4 English essay was based on:

"Curiosity is the basis for education, and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only that the cat died nobly."  -- Arnold Edinborough

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